Desordem é Progresso?

Disorder: Necessary to Progress? Ordem e Progresso. I have always loved the pure modernism of the Brazilian bandeira nacional. Unlike the Sâo Paulo flag, which plagiarizes the Stars & Stripes, it speaks of something unprecedented and original. The lema or slogan – order and progress – can assume a sinister... [Read More]

Carta Aos Tupiguarani

Os que podem, fazem. Os que não podem, fazem postagens no blog. Hoje, não posso, me desculpe. Eu quis me levantar e sair, que nem o Lázaro, mas houve aquele danado rodízio e um bilhete único esgotado. Carta Aos Burtuqaliyyun Os árabes chaman o Portugal de «Burtuqal» é dão o... [Read More]

Der Process

The trial of President Dilma Rousseff is the story of the hour here in Sambodia. Since we no longer have basic cable, we search for a live feed of Dilma’s testimony online. It is a little difficult to find. Neuza finally locates it on the site of the Spanish daily... [Read More]

On First Making a Commitment To Github

Above: the flat-file Yellow CMS. I can insert images. I do not like the automatic summary feature in this theme and would like to work around it. Anyone? I dedicate this first Beautiful Jekyll post to Neuza Paranhos and Luiz Fernando Fontes-Teixeira. They of all people understand the guilty pleasure... [Read More]